Points Assignment

Earn points when you perform specific actions.
Like Your Discussion In Events
Earn points when someone likes your discussion inside event.
Recipients: 0
Unlike your Discussion In Events
Demote points when someone unlike your discussion inside event.
Recipients: 0
Submit a Review in Events
Earn points when you submit a review.
Recipients: 0
Upload File
Earn points when you share a file in the stream.
Recipients: 0
Download User's File
Earn points when you download a file uploaded by a user on the site.
Recipients: 0
Adds a user as friend
Points will be given when you add another user as your friend.
Recipients: 0
Removes a friend
Points will be deducted from your account when you remove your friend.
Recipients: 0
Approves a friend request
Points will be given when you approve an incoming friend request.
Recipients: 0
Create a new friend list
Earn points when you create a new list of friends.
Recipients: 0
Removes a friend list
Deduct points when a friend list is deleted.
Recipients: 0
Assign a friend into a friend list
Earn points when you assign one of your friends into an existing friend list.
Recipients: 0
Invite a friend
Points will be given when you invite your friends to join the site.
Recipients: 0
Invitee registered on the site
Points will be given to you when your friends who are invited registers on the site.
Recipients: 0
Created a new group
Earn points when you create a new group on the site.
Recipients: 0
Removed a group
Points will be deducted when your group is deleted.
Recipients: 0
Joined Group
Earn points when you join a group.
Recipients: 0
Leave Group
Points is deducated when you leave a group.
Recipients: 0
Invite Friends
Earn points when you invite one of your friends to join the group.
Recipients: 0
Update Group
Earn points when you ensure that your group is up to date.
Recipients: 0
Create Discussion
Earn points when you create a discussion within a group.
Recipients: 0
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Newport, Rhode Island

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